For Indonesia, a country with a population of 350 million people and an economic growth of 5% per year, the availability of energy is an essential matter both to maintain energy security and to enable the national economy growth. Energy availability is highly dependent on the intensity and expansion of the upstream oil and gas sector in finding new reserves and optimizing existing production capabilities.
The presence of PT Artas Energi Petrogas, as an Indonesian seamless pipe manufacturer with integrated facilities covering Hot Roll Mill and Heat Treatment Line, is fully focused on serving the needs of the upstream oil and gas sector activities as the front line to improve the nation’s energy security.
PT Artas Energi Petrogas commits to take crucial action that supports the upstream oil and gas sector. We appreciate all stakeholders in entrusting the products of PT Artas Energi Petrogas to fulfill national and international seamless pipe needs. At the end, PT Artas Energi Petrogas is for Indonesia and Global